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Installation Instructions

Installation of PyMad is different depending on which underlying modules you want.


For JPyMad, you first need JMad which you can obtain here Then, download the source, and in pymad/src, run the command

python install --install-platlib

The argument –install-platlib means we exclude external modules. The reason is that the external module cern.madx requires the dynamic library of Mad-X available on your system (which we here assume you do not have)

CPyMad (unix)

First method, use installation script:

We provide an installation script which should do the full job for you. Download the script and run it. It will take a few minutes to finish. Upon successful completion, it will create an script which you should keep somewhere. This script knows all the files you have installed, and will remove all files if you execute it (folders are not removed).

Dependencies: cmake, compilers for c/fortran, python 2.6 or 2.7

Second method, source script:

For CPymad on a 64 bit Linux machine with afs available, it is enough to source the script that we currently provide in


We hope to in the near future provide a tarball for Linux and OSX containing all needed files.

Third method, manual installation:

  • Download the Mad-X source from svn and unpack it.

  • Enter the folder madX and run the commands

    mkdir build; cd build
    make install
  • Download the PyMad source from github and unpack it

  • In the folder pymad/src, run the command

    python install

If you download JMad after following any of the methods described above for CPyMad, you will immediately have JPyMad available as well.

Cython (windows, MinGW)

At this time you have to build pymad manually.

  • If you want to install all system dependencies at once, I recommend Python(x,y). This is a python development distribution including MinGW, Cython and Python2.7. Make sure Cython and MinGW are marked for installation.

  • Download the Mad-X source from svn and unpack it.

  • Build the Mad-X library as a shared library (.dll). Enter the folder madX and run the commands

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\madx-redist ..\
    make install

    This will install the headers, binaries and library files to the folder ..\madx-redist.

    Executing CMake from the GUI, you have to add the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option manually. Afterwards reconfigure and regenerate.

  • Alternatively, if you have already built a static library you can convert it to a dynamic library using pexports and dlltool like so:

    mingw-get install mingw32-pexports
    ar -x libptc.a
    gcc -shared *.obj -o libptc.dll -lgfortran
    pexports libptc.dll >libptc.def
    dlltool --dllname libptc.dll --def libptc.def --output-lib libptc.dll.a
    del *.obj libptc.def
    ar -x libmadx.a
    gcc -shared *.obj -o libmadx.dll -L. -lptc.dll -lstdc++ -lgfortran
    pexports libmadx.dll >libmadx.def
    dlltool --dllname libmadx.dll --def libmadx.def --output-lib libmadx.dll.a
    del *.obj libmadx.def
  • In the folder pymad/src, run the command

    python install --madxdir=<path-to-your>\madx-redist

    It is highly unlikely that your build succeeds at this point. See Potential problems for further information.

  • Copy the .dll library files to either your system or better your applications runtime path.

Potential problems

In the following we will try to keep a list of the various issues users have reported during installation.

  • not found:

    from cern.madx import madx
    ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Solution: Though we try to set the runtime path during compilation, it doesn’t always work. Please set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment. Example, if is installed in $HOME/.local/lib, and you use bash, add to $HOME/.bashrc:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/.local/lib/

    Please note, on OSX you might need to use the variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The authors are not very familiar with OSX, but know of at least one occurence where that was the problem.

  • Cython.Distutils not found:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "", line 22, in <module>
      from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
    ImportError: No module named Cython.Distutils
Solution: In order to get cpymad, you need Cython installed on your system. If you cannot obtain that, use jpymad instead.
  • Cannot find find -lpthread:

    Occurs: When linking libmadx with the -DMADX_STATIC:BOOL=ON cmake option specified.

    Reason: A static version of pthreads is not installed by default.

    Solution: Download a prebuilt version of the library. You need the file libpthreadGC2.a. Copy it to C:\MinGW32-xy\lib\libpthread.a.

  • Unable to find vcvarsall.bat:

    Occurs: While building python install.

    Reason: distutils is not configured to use MinGW.

    Solution: Add the following lines to C:\Python27\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg


    If you do not want to modify your python system configuration you can place this as setup.cfg in the current directory. You can also specify the compiler on the command line:

    python build --madxdir=<path-to-your>\madx-redist --compiler=mingw32
    python install --madxdir=<path-to-your>\madx-redist

    See also this question on stackoverflow.

  • distutils.unixcompiler not configured:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Python27\lib\distutils\", line 227, in runtime_library_dir_option
        compiler = os.path.basename(sysconfig.get_config_var("CC"))
      File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 198, in basename
        return split(p)[1]
      File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 170, in split
        d, p = splitdrive(p)
      File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 125, in splitdrive
        if p[1:2] == ':':
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

    Occurs: While building python install.

    Reason: Bug in distutils (?).

    Solution: Add the following line to the function _init_nt() in the file Lib\distutils\ of the python installation.

    For further reference see a related issue.