Windows ------- Pre-built binaries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a windows platform, you are likely to run into more problems than on linux when building from source. Therefore, we will try to provide `built versions`_ for some platforms. If your platform is supported, you can just run .. code-block:: bat pip install cern-cpymad from your terminal and that's it. If this fails, you will need to build from source. The following guide assumes that you use *MinGW* as compiler suite. Install dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I recommend to use `Python(x,y)`_. This is a python distribution which includes all :ref:`dependencies` except for *CMake*. Make sure *Cython* and *MinGW* are marked for installation. .. note:: If you want to use another python installation things will get more complicated. I recommend the following resources: * MinGW_, since you need a compiler to build *libmadx* and *CPyMAD* * `Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages`_ * `Compiling Python extensions with distutils and MinGW`_ Now install CMake_. In the *Install options* dialog choose to *Add CMake to the system PATH for all/current user* according to your liking. .. note:: You can also select *Do not add CMake to the system PATH*. In this case you will need to manually extend your PATH later on in the terminal: .. code-block:: bat set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin Build libmadx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download and extract the `MAD-X source`_ from SVN. .. note:: If the latest release contains bugs that have been fixed in the meantime you may want to download the `latest revision`_ from SVN. Be aware though, that the latest revision is not at all guaranteed to be stable or even buildable. .. note:: You might need multiple extraction steps until you get a folder containing the file :file:`CMakeLists.txt` as well as several other files and subdirectories. I recommend to build MAD-X as a *static* library as described below. This way, you won't need to carry any ``.dll`` files around and you won't run into version problems when having a multiple MAD-X library builds around. `Python(x,y)`_ provides an *Open enhanced console here* context menu item when right-clicking on a folder in the explorer. Open the madX folder with it and run the commands: .. code-block:: bat mkdir build cd build cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\install .. make make install This will install the headers, binaries and library files to the :file:`madX/install` subfolder. .. note:: You can also use the regular console ``cmd.exe``. In this case extend the PATH environment variable with your python and MinGW installation: .. code-block:: bat set PATH=%PATH%;C:\MinGW32-xy\bin set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27 set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27\Scripts .. note:: If executing CMake from the GUI, you have to disable the ``BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`` option, if present. Afterwards reconfigure and regenerate. Build CPyMAD ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download the `CPyMad source`_. Then go to the pymad folder and build as follows: .. code-block:: bat python build --compiler=mingw32 --madxdir= python install Substitute ```` with the :file:`madX\\install` subfolder as specified by ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` before. .. _built versions: .. _MAD-X source: .. _latest revision: .. _CPyMAD source: .. _Python(x,y): .. _CMake: .. _MinGW: .. _Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages: .. _Compiling Python extensions with distutils and MinGW: