
Source code for cern.cpymad.madx

# This file is part of PyMad.
# Copyright (c) 2011, CERN. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
.. module:: madx
.. moduleauthor:: Yngve Inntjore Levinsen <>

Main module to interface with Mad-X library.

The class Madx uses a subprocess to execute MAD-X library calls remotely via
a simple RPC protocol.

The remote backend is needed due to the fact that cpymad.libmadx is a low
level binding to the MAD-X library which in turn uses global variables.
This means that the cpymad.libmadx module has to be loaded within remote
processes in order to deal with several isolated instances of MAD-X in

Furthermore, this can be used as a security enhancement: if dealing with
unverified input, we can't be sure that a faulty MAD-X function
implementation will give access to a secure resource. This can be executing
all library calls within a subprocess that does not inherit any handles.

More importantly: the MAD-X program crashes on the tinyest error. Boxing it
in a subprocess will prevent the main process from crashing as well.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from functools import partial
import logging
import os
import sys
import collections

from . import _libmadx_rpc
from .types import Element

from cern.cpymad import _madx_tools
from cern.cpymad.types import TfsTable, TfsSummary

except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]class ChangeDirectory(object): """Context manager for temporarily changing current working directory.""" def __init__(self, path, _os=os): """ Change the path using the given os module. :param str path: new path name :param module _os: module with 'getcwd' and 'chdir' functions """ self._os = _os # Contrary to common implementations of a similar context manager, # we change the path immediately in the constructor. That enables # this utility to be used without any 'with' statement: if path: self._restore = _os.getcwd() _os.chdir(path) else: self._restore = None def __enter__(self): """Enter 'with' context.""" pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Exit 'with' context and restore old path.""" if self._restore: self._os.chdir(self._restore)
[docs]class MadxCommands(object): """ Generic MAD-X command wrapper. Raw python interface to issue MAD-X commands. Usage example: >>> command = MadxCommands(libmadx.input) >>> command('twiss', sequence='LEBT') >>> command.title('A meaningful phrase') :ivar __dispatch: callable that takes a MAD-X command string. """ def __init__(self, dispatch): """Set :ivar:`__dispatch` from :var:`dispatch`.""" self.__dispatch = dispatch def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create and dispatch a MAD-X command string.""" self.__dispatch(_madx_tools.mad_command(*args, **kwargs)) def __getattr__(self, name): """Return a dispatcher for a specific command.""" return partial(self.__call__, name) # main interface
[docs]class Madx(object): ''' Python class which interfaces to Mad-X library ''' _hfile = None def __init__(self, histfile=None, libmadx=None, logger=None): ''' Initializing Mad-X instance :param str histfile: (optional) name of file which will contain all Mad-X commands. :param object libmadx: :mod:`libmadx` compatible object ''' self._libmadx = libmadx or _libmadx_rpc.LibMadxClient.spawn_subprocess()[0].libmadx if not self._libmadx.started(): self._libmadx.start() self._log = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) if histfile: self._hfile = open(histfile,'w') def __del__(self): """Close history file.""" if self._hfile: self._hfile.close() @property
[docs] def command(self): """ Perform a single MAD-X command. :param str cmd: command name :param **kwargs: command parameters """ return MadxCommands(self.input)
[docs] def input(self, text): """ Run any textual MAD-X input. :param str text: command text """ # write to history before performing the input, so if MAD-X # crashes, it is easier to see, where it happened: self._writeHist(text) self._libmadx.input(text)
[docs] def help(self, cmd=None): """ Show help about a command or list all MAD-X commands. :param str cmd: command name """ # The case 'cmd == None' will be handled by mad_command # appropriately.
[docs] def chdir(self, path): """ Change the directory. Can be used as context manager. :param str path: new path name :returns: a context manager that can change the directory back :rtype: ChangeDirectory """ # Note, that the libmadx module includes the functions 'getcwd' and # 'chdir' so it can be used as a valid 'os' module for the purposes # of ChangeDirectory: return ChangeDirectory(path, self._libmadx)
[docs] def call(self, filename, chdir=False): """ CALL a file in the MAD-X interpretor. :param str filename: file name with path :param bool chdir: temporarily change directory in MAD-X process """ if chdir: dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) with self.chdir(dirname): else:
[docs] def select(self, flag, columns, pattern=[]): """ Run SELECT command. :param str flag: one of: twiss, makethin, error, seqedit :param list columns: column names :param list pattern: selected patterns """ select = select(flag=flag, clear=True) select(flag=flag, column=columns) for p in pattern: select(flag=flag, pattern=p)
default_twiss_columns = ['name', 's', 'betx', 'bety', 'x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy', 'px', 'py', 'mux', 'muy' 'l','k1l', 'angle', 'k2l']
[docs] def twiss(self, sequence=None, pattern=['full'], columns=default_twiss_columns, madrange=None, fname=None, twiss_init={}, use=True, **kwargs): """ Run SELECT+USE+TWISS. :param str sequence: name of sequence :param str fname: name of file to store tfs table :param list pattern: pattern to include in table :param list columns: columns to include in table, (may be a str) :param dict twiss_init: dictionary of twiss initialization variables :param bool use: Call use before aperture. :param bool chrom: Also calculate chromatic functions (slower) :param **kwargs: further keyword arguments to TWISS (betx, bety, ..). Note, that the kwargs overwrite any arguments in twiss_init. """'twiss', columns=columns, pattern=pattern) self.command.set(format="12.6F") if use and sequence: self.use(sequence) elif not sequence: sequence = self.active_sequence twiss_init = dict((k, v) for k,v in twiss_init.items() if k not in ['name','closed-orbit']) # explicitly specified keyword arguments overwrite values in # twiss_init: twiss_init.update(kwargs) self.command.twiss(sequence=sequence, range=madrange, file=fname, **twiss_init) return self.get_table('twiss')
default_survey_columns = ['name', 'l', 's', 'angle', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'theta']
[docs] def survey(self, sequence=None, pattern=['full'], columns=default_survey_columns, madrange=None, fname=None, use=True): """ Run SELECT+USE+SURVEY. :param str sequence: name of sequence :param str fname: name of file to store tfs table :param list pattern: pattern to include in table :param list columns: Columns to include in table :param bool use: Call use before survey. """'survey', pattern=pattern, columns=columns) self.command.set(format="12.6F") if use and sequence: self.use(sequence) self.command.survey(range=madrange, file=fname) return self.get_table('survey')
default_aperture_columns = ['name', 'l', 'angle' 'x', 'y', 'z', 'theta']
[docs] def aperture(self, sequence=None, pattern=['full'], madrange='', columns=default_aperture_columns, offsets=None, fname=None, use=False): """ Run SELECT+USE+APERTURE. :param str sequence: name of sequence :param str fname: name of file to store tfs table :param list pattern: pattern to include in table :param list columns: columns to include in table (may be a str) :param bool use: Call use before aperture. """'aperture', pattern=pattern, columns=columns) self.command.set(format="12.6F") if use and sequence: self._log.warn("USE before APERTURE is known to cause problems.") self.use(sequence) # this seems to cause a bug? self.command.aperture(range=madrange, offsetelem=offsets, file=fname) return self.get_table('aperture')
def use(self, sequence): self.command.use(sequence=sequence)
[docs] def match(self, sequence, constraints, vary, weight=None, method=('lmdif', {}), fname=None, twiss_init={}, **kwargs): """ Perform simple MATCH operation. :param string sequence: name of sequence :param list constraints: constraints to pose during matching :param list vary: vary commands :param dict weight: weights for matching parameters """ twiss_init = dict((k, v) for k,v in twiss_init.items() if k not in ['name','closed-orbit']) # explicitly specified keyword arguments overwrite values in # twiss_init: twiss_init.update(kwargs) command = self.command # MATCH (=start) command.match(sequence=sequence, **twiss_init) for c in constraints: command.constraint(**c) for v in vary: command.vary(name=v) if weight: command.weight(**weight) command(method[0], **method[1]) command.endmatch(knobfile=fname) # turn on/off verbose outupt..
def verbose(self, switch): self.command.option(echo=switch, warn=switch, info=switch) def _writeHist(self,command): # this still brakes for "multiline commands"... if self._hfile: self._hfile.write(command) self._hfile.flush()
[docs] def get_table(self, table): """ Get the specified table columns as numpy arrays. :param str table: table name :param columns: column names :type columns: list or str (comma separated) """ return Table(table, self._libmadx)
@property def active_sequence(self): """Get/set the name of the active sequence.""" return self._libmadx.get_active_sequence() @active_sequence.setter
[docs] def active_sequence(self, name): try: active_sequence = self.active_sequence except RuntimeError: self.use(name) else: if active_sequence != name: self.use(name)
[docs] def get_active_sequence(self): """ Get a handle to the active sequence. :returns: a proxy object for the sequence :rtype: Sequence :raises RuntimeError: if there is no active sequence """ return Sequence(self.active_sequence, self._libmadx, _check=False)
[docs] def get_sequence(self, name): """ Get a handle to the specified sequence. :param str name: sequence name :returns: a proxy object for the sequence :rtype: Sequence :raises ValueError: if a sequence name is invalid """ return Sequence(name, self._libmadx)
[docs] def get_sequences(self): """ Return list of all sequences currently in memory. :returns: list of sequence proxy objects :rtype: list(Sequence) """ return [Sequence(name, self._libmadx, _check=False) for name in self.get_sequence_names()]
[docs] def get_sequence_names(self): """ Return list of all sequences currently in memory. :returns: list of all sequences names :rtype: list(str) """ return self._libmadx.get_sequences()
[docs] def evaluate(self, cmd): """ Evaluates an expression and returns the result as double. :param string cmd: expression to evaluate. :returns: numeric value of the expression :rtype: float """ return self._libmadx.evaluate(cmd)
[docs]class Sequence(object): """ MAD-X sequence representation. """ def __init__(self, name, libmadx, _check=True): """Store sequence name.""" self._name = name self._libmadx = libmadx if _check and not libmadx.sequence_exists(name): raise ValueError("Invalid sequence: {!r}".format(name)) def __str__(self): """String representation.""" return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._name) __repr__ = __str__ @property
[docs] def name(self): """Get the name of the sequence.""" return self._name
[docs] def beam(self): """Get the beam dictionary associated to the sequence.""" return self._libmadx.get_beam(self._name)
[docs] def twiss(self): """Get the TWISS results from the last calculation.""" return Table(self.twissname, self._libmadx)
[docs] def twissname(self): """Get the name of the table with the TWISS results.""" return self._libmadx.get_twiss(self._name)
[docs] def get_elements(self): """ Get list of all elements in the original sequence. :returns: list of elements in the original (unexpanded) sequence :rtype: list(Element) """ return [Element(elem) for elem in self._libmadx.get_elements(self._name)]
[docs] def get_expanded_elements(self): """ Get list of all elements in the expanded sequence. :returns: list of elements in the expanded (unexpanded) sequence :rtype: list(Element) NOTE: this may very well return an empty list, if the sequence has not been expanded (used) yet. """ return [Element(elem) for elem in self._libmadx.get_expanded_elements(self._name)]
[docs]class Table(object): """ MAD-X table access class. """ def __init__(self, name, libmadx, _check=True): """Just store the table name for now.""" self._name = name self._libmadx = libmadx if _check and not libmadx.table_exists(name): raise ValueError("Invalid table: {!r}".format(name)) def __iter__(self): """Old style access.""" columns = self.columns try: summary = self.summary except ValueError: summary = None return iter((columns, summary)) @property
[docs] def name(self): """Get the table name.""" return self._name
[docs] def columns(self): """Get a lazy accessor for the table columns.""" return TableColumns(, self._libmadx)
[docs] def summary(self): """Get the table summary.""" return TfsSummary(self._libmadx.get_table_summary(
[docs]class TableColumns(object): """ Lazy accessor for table column data. """ def __init__(self, table, libmadx): """Store tabe name and libmadx connection.""" self._table = table self._libmadx = libmadx def __getattr__(self, column): """Get the column data.""" try: return self._libmadx.get_table_column(self._table, column.lower()) except ValueError: raise AttributeError(column) def __getitem__(self, column): """Get the column data.""" try: return self._libmadx.get_table_column(self._table, column.lower()) except ValueError: raise KeyError(column) def __iter__(self): """Get a list of all column names.""" return iter(self._libmadx.get_table_columns(self._table))
[docs] def freeze(self, columns=None): """ Return a frozen table with the desired columns. :param list columns: column names or ``None`` for all columns. :returns: column data :rtype: TfsTable :raises ValueError: if the table name is invalid """ if columns is None: columns = self return TfsTable(dict((column, self[column]) for column in columns))